The latest piece from my column, Ask Veronica in the San Diego Union-Tribune, focusing on how empathy and storytelling building better caregiver relationships. Our lives are so busy and sometimes we forget to truly engage with each other. I’ve learned from all the years of talking with so many people, that hearing their stories is a great way to connect, have empathy and learn about life, culture, and people.  When you take the time to listen to another human being, you are extending grace, kindness, and humanity, plus you have great stories to tell! I’ve learned so much from just talking to people.  Try it you might be surprised what you learn and discover about yourself!

Empathy and Listening to Stories

When we take the time to listen to others we learn about ourselves and how we can relate to the person. Storytelling is a vehicle for caregivers to connect with the receipt of the care.  When you have conversations both can create a better bond and understanding for each other by sharing stories and experiences.

Ask Veronica column, the San Diego Union-Tribune (click link below)

Veronica Mitchell is a seasoned caregiver and businesswoman in the field of caregiver support. Her advice column is called ‘Ask Veronica– Let’s make caregiving better, together’


Veronica‘s Caregiver Tips:

  • Practice #acceptance in the #present moment
  • Think about the other person’s life, problems, challenges, and can you be kind
  • Self-Care – you must get good sleep & have a good diet
  • Get exercise, move the body, go outdoors, and breathe
  • Laughter is the best medicine – that includes laughing at yourself
  • Feelings are not facts, they change! Be proactive, not reactive


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